Suiken offers more than just fisheries purchasing and distribution solutions. We perform detailed analyses of market needs to continually provide value added information and services alongside our fisheries products. We are among the first in the industry to identify what the market wants and therefore deliver fisheries products to a variety of industry applications that truly please the customer. This represents one of our most important missions.
Suiken is able to obtain important information about the fisheries supply chain in real time and from both inside and outside Japan, including data on fishing volume, catches, and price trends. In turn, we provide this valuable information to or customers in a timely manner as well as offer comprehensive consulting services that include proposals on menu or preparation methods.
Suiken actively provides a host of proposals for volume retailers and restaurants that span from basic knowledge of seafood to support creating new seasonal menus, preparation methods and sales methods. Seafood has long been eaten in Japan as an important source of protein, but recently children and young people are turning their backs on this important food source. As a dedicated fisheries trading company, we use our many years of know-how to correctly capture daily changes in market needs and proactively propose seafood menu options focused on preventing lifestyle diseases and improving peoples’ health.
Suiken delivers the latest information on fish species, quality, catch and price in real time thanks to its close contacts with fishing ports across Japan and around the world. This information is managed exclusively in-house by a sales rep placed solely in charge of each fish species. Our Information Management Center also uses a sales analysis system to deliver beneficial, tailor-made information to customers in a timely manner.
Suiken has an Information Management Center that centrally manages information on seafood origin and industry trends that are highly beneficial to sales activities.
We have set up a sales platform system that monitors management information on a daily basis in real time. The data from this system is made into a database and managed in multifaceted manner by our sales analysis system. These key sales support tools enable us to immediately analyze and predict the latest market trends and other important information.
With more consumers’ diets shifting from home meals to eating out at restaurants or fast food establishments, in recent years the ready-made meal, which involves purchasing a pre-prepared meal and eating it at home, is garnering a great deal of attention. Suiken has responded agilely to demand for seafood in these constantly changing times and is actively involved in industry-wide advertising and marketing to raise awareness about the important role that seafood plays in our diets.